Sunday, December 9, 2018

Seeking God

I gave this talk in church today, and a few people asked me to post it, so I am:

Joseph Smith said, “it is the first principle of the Gospel to know for a certainty the Character of God” (TPJS p. 345). Article of faith four teaches us that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation for everything else. Unfortunately for me, having faith in God and having a correct idea of His character have been huge obstacles I’ve wrestled with my entire life. I feel kind of like Enos when he said, “I will tell you of the wrestle I had before God…” (Enos 1:2) and then describes the hunger of his soul and the length of his pleadings. You will definitely get to know me better by listening to my talk, that’s for sure, but I hope the Holy Ghost will teach you what to take from my journey that can help you on your own.

I was born in sunny, secular southern California to two religiously devout, service-minded, duty-driven parents. From them I learned to love cleaning the church on Saturdays, to see the beauty of visiting teaching, and that “pure religion and undefiled before God... is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction...” (James 1:27).

One of the paradoxes in my life is that I am drawn to spiritual things, yet I find it very difficult to feel connected with deity. I am consistently pulled by this desire to connect with God and have spent most of my life frustrated that I didn’t feel it.

I’ve been a thinker as long as I can remember. And as a kid, I never shared my thoughts with anybody. I literally pondered the length of eternity while riding my bicycle in circles around my driveway. One particular day I was thinking about faith and decided there was no reason to believe in God—no evidence. In my child brain, I realized the implications of there being no God—then life has no purpose and there is nothing after death. Considering a belief in God to be preferable to oblivion, and considering that if there were a God, our church would make the most sense out of all of them, I adopted the perspective of our faith. I put on our mythology like an astronaut helmet, and it colored everything I saw.

You would think that since I was quite the pragmatist in deciding to believe in God, that I would have chosen to believe in a loving Heavenly Father like I was taught. Instead, I became traumatized by certain scriptures that made me think God was more like a kid with a magnifying glass burning ants. The words of King Benjamin felt like a horror movie…You better “watch yourselves and your thoughts and your words and your deeds” (Mos. 4:30), “And finally, I cannot tell you all the things whereby ye may commit sin; for there are diverse ways and means, even so many that I cannot number them” (Mos. 4:29). Combine that with Alma saying “God cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance” (Alma 45:8), and I got a sin complex. I felt guilty for leaving a cupboard door open. I would pray for forgiveness for the sins I didn’t remember committing. I was worried that I would get to the Judgment Day, and my soul would be like a white dress with one speck of dust on it, and I would be cast out.

When I was 15, I went to EFY for the first time. One night our counselor gave us each a 3x5 card and told us to write our feelings about Jesus. Our feelings about Jesus? I was stumped. I could tell you a bunch of facts. I could fill way more than a 3x5 card with facts. I was the annoying kid in Sunday School who had all the answers to the teacher’s questions, but for whose questions the teachers never had answers. But feelings? I had none. That made me feel super ashamed.

So, I tried to manufacture feelings. I imagined my older brother, whom I loved, on the cross, and how I would feel about that. Then I mentally tried to lift those feelings and transpose them on Jesus. I would listen to stories about seminary kids doing pushups for donuts or filing cabinets full of sins with Jesus’s signature in blood to try to make myself feel something. But they weren’t genuine feelings and I later discounted every feeling borne of manipulation.

When I decided to go on a mission, I felt 100% certain of the gospel’s truthfulness. When I was in the MTC in Brazil, a priesthood leader said that facts wouldn’t touch the Brazilian people’s hearts--only feelings would. I suddenly became acutely aware of the fact that I had a testimony based on reason and not confirmed by the Spirit. One night after bursting into tears during class, I spent 2.5 hours on my knees crying to the Lord to feel something. Anything. And at the end, I got a glimmer of happiness at the thought of the First Vision. That was it. I spent much of my mission trying to feel, and when it got too hard, I told myself that because I was a missionary, I must be feeling the Spirit, so however I felt must be the right way.

I continued for several more years on logic and reason, guilt and shame, and glimmers of the Spirit here and there. My skewed views of God, the fake feelings I tried to manufacture, plus the fact that this whole house of cards was built on an assumption I chose when I was a kid combined to create quite a pavilion between me and God (“Where Is the Pavilion?” Eyring 2012). And the whole thing was surprisingly easily torn down in 2015.

It was a few years coming. For two years I had been pained by gender differences in the Church and in the temple. Once I saw them, I couldn’t unsee them, and I didn’t have any way to explain them. 2015 was also when the landmark Supreme Court case Obergefell v. Hodges was decided, and my LGBTQ friends were often on my mind. I had long, deep conversations with my gay friends who were members of the Church, felt their pain, and felt the insufficiency of the answers to their lived experience. I was frustrated by the lack of answers in those two deeply personal areas. I think the cause of my spiritual discontent was not feeling close to God--neither when I prayed nor when I read the scriptures. Based on years of experience, I had no confidence that God would answer my prayers, though I dutifully sent up wishlists into the sky.

This came to a head when I had one long conversation with another good friend who left the church. It was July 2015. He came in from out of town and we caught up over kids’ meals at BYU Creamery. He confided in me that he and his wife had left the Church. That he went from being a tithe-paying, calling-holding, home teaching member one Sunday to being completely inactive the next. His bottom line came down to this—it’s not reasonable to believe in God.

Though I didn’t feel the impact for a couple days, he brought me back to my base assumption as a child and questioned it. The words “it’s not reasonable to believe in God” resonated in the echo chamber of my mind and worked to destroy my faith that such a Being could even exist. Although I called it a “faith crisis” at the time, I now see it as part of normal, healthy adult development. According Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development my stage 3 certainty had given way to devastating stage 4 wrestling, but it paved the way to the calmness of a stage 5 faith.

At the time, however, it was devastating. I felt like the ground didn’t just shake under my feet, there was no ground! All of my assumptions were ripped away. I didn’t know which way was up and which was down. I analyzed what I knew and what I believed every two seconds and felt like I needed to resolve this right away. I had this expectation that I should be at a certain place in my life. If I was certain of the truth before, I should be more certain now, not less. I wished I could just believe like I used to, and have it not be complicated. I wanted to believe, but I couldn’t see a way to.

I had a weekly scripture memorizing club with my nieces and nephews at the time, and I felt like a fake helping them memorize scriptures about a God I didn’t even know was real. I was a temple worker. The next month I was in an endowment session during my shift and was wracked with how ridiculous the Creation and Fall stories seemed. I graduated in August and had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and fell into a depression. Depression is awesome because it makes it nearly impossible to feel the Spirit, and trying to figure out if God is real while you’re depressed is futile. My stake president advised me not to make any big decisions until I was in a better state, so I kept the habits I had developed and tried to survive. I started reading scriptures twice a day. I read about Mother Teresa’s “dark night of the soul” and felt comforted and validated. I kept praying even though I didn’t think anyone was out there, often sounding like King Lamoni saying --O God, if there is a God and if thou art God…” (Alma 22:18). I stopped going to the temple, since it was hurting rather than helping my testimony at the time.

I was very cautious about who I confided in, and found many people whose reactions were not helpful. I found a few key friends, however, that could hold space for me to struggle and yet feel peaceful and confident in their faith at the same time. They expressed confidence that I would figure it out, and when I asked for it, gave me new ways to think about things.

One friend suggested that I first needed to figure out if God was real, then if Jesus was real, and then if this was His church. She explained the legal requirement of “reasonable doubt” and said I just needed to believe beyond reasonable doubt.

Another friend validated that “belief” was a gift of the Spirit--it doesn’t have to be knowledge.

Another friend assured me that I would find my way. She read a quote from The Screwtape Letters to me which was very reassuring. In this chapter, an experienced devil is advising a younger devil on how to work on someone that was in my position. The older devil posits that although it seems like a win, they don’t have me yet, by cautioning:

Our cause is never more in danger than when a human, no longer desiring, but still intending, to do our Enemy's will, looks round upon a universe from which every trace of Him seems to have vanished, and asks why he has been forsaken, and still obeys.

My scientist father gave me several logical arguments that assuaged my need for this to make sense. A book chapter gave me another way to look at the gender differences in the temple.

And strangely enough, I hit a breakthrough in a Postmodernism and Film class, where I was re-exposed to the idea that we can’t actually know anything. Everything we “know” is a choice. And since it’s not sustainable to live in a postmodernist mindset, everyone has to choose what they’re going to accept as true and go back to a modernist mindset. While some might say that’s ridiculous or would destroy my faith more, I thought it was liberating. It’s all a choice! Everything I accept as true is a choice made with imperfect information! Suddenly I wasn’t choosing between the questionable view of my religious upbringing and the default of a secular humanist perspective--both of them were mythologies! Both of them were astronaut’s helmets. There was no default. I could doubt them both equally. And either one was a choice.

And I wanted to believe in God. When my mind doubted, something inside me still wanted it to be real. My soul craved it. I needed the logical arguments to free me, but really it just came down to desire.

So, I became comfortable with my new normal. The old certainty was gone. The ground was shakey. But I knew what I wanted. I came to accept that I would probably struggle with my faith throughout my life, that this wasn’t a one-and-done experience, but that I would get through it again, and I was ok with that.

When I joined this ward, I became aware that the false beliefs about God from my childhood were still forming a pavilion between me and God.

Joseph Smith said this in Lecture on Faith 3 about the importance of having a “correct” idea of God’s character:

“Let us here observe that three things are necessary for any rational and intelligent being to exercise faith in God unto life and salvation.

First, the idea that he actually exists;

Secondly, a correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes;

Thirdly, an actual knowledge that the course of life which one is pursuing is according to His will.”

My idea of God’s character was still way more like the kid with a magnifying glass than someone to trust and worship.

I analyzed my faith by writing this list in my journal a year and a half ago:

“What I unconsciously think about God:

· I have to convince Him
· I never measure up to His standards
· He’s far

“What I consciously think about God:

· He’s merciful
· He’s generous
· He trusts me to make my own decisions
· He’s patient with my growth

“When I react, it’s the unconscious version of God that I am responding to. I have to stop and question and think in order to call upon the second version.”

I wasn’t sure how to root out the false beliefs I had about God. That’s the point--you actually believe them. So I met with bishop, and he talked to me about planting and nourishing seeds. A year ago November, I met with President Hanson. Surprisingly, he wasn’t worried about my struggle with God. He said that coming to know and love God is the work of a lifetime. He said the struggling I was doing was good work, and to keep doing it. That decreased my anxiety a ton and normalized what I was going through.

I’m not really sure how my false beliefs about God lessened their hold on me over this year. I think part of it is seeing Him keep His promises to me. Part of it is keeping a revelation record that has helped me realize how much God talks to me, and part of it is finding God’s character in the scriptures.

If you think of a coordinate plane (be nerdy with me for a second) with justice vs mercy being the x-axis, and transactional vs relational being the y-axis, I used to believe in a transactional just God who was about technicalities of the law and whose goal was our exact obedience. Now I believe in a merciful relational God, who cares more about our motivation and who we’re becoming.

My theme scripture for this year is Jeremiah 29:13 “And ye shall seek me and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” I didn’t have much faith that it would work, but it did! I’m finding Him.

An apostle said: God is known only by revelation; he stands revealed or remains forever unknown.” [Bruce R McConkie MD, s.v. “God,” 318]

This is what God has revealed to me about his character so far:
  • My God does not want to automate obedient robots, but rather to shepherd agentic beings toward greater peace and happiness 
  • My God is not staring at me, waiting for me to mess up; He walks at my side and isn’t stressed out when I sin. 
  • My God has infinite mercy, ready to forgive the moment I turn to Him 
  • My God is a mentor and a guide, or as we say in my field, a “more knowledgeable Other” who thus can show me how to get to where he is (Vygotsky, zone of proximal development) 
  • My God gives beauty for ashes (Isa. 61:3) 
  • He takes the stony heart out of my chest and gives me an heart of flesh (Ezek 36:26) 
  • My God is a God of deliverance and a God of miracles 
  • My God heals my soul-sickness (“Believe, Love, Do” Elder Uchtdorf) 
  • My God is more concerned about my pain than his own (“The Character of Christ” Elder Bednar) 
  • My God goes about doing good, walks among the poor, the outcast, the sick, and the ashamed. He ministers to the powerless, the weak, and the friendless. He spends time with them; He speaks to them, and he heals them all (“Believe, Love, Do” Elder Uchtdorf) 
  • My God “reaches out to you, desiring to heal you, to lift you up, and to replace the emptiness in your heart with an abiding joy. He desires to sweep away any darkness that clouds your life and fill it with the sacred and brilliant light of His unending glory” (same) 
  • My God stands for hours placing people’s hands on his scars to help them believe that He is the Christ. (3 Nephi 11) 

Though I would still love to feel more connected to God, I do feel something: admiration. This is a God whom I can worship. His character is one that I actually do want to emulate.

Brothers and sisters, I don’t “know” anything. But I choose to believe a lot, and the fruits of that belief is great peace and contentment. I believe in God the Father who is benevolent, wise, and kind. I believe in God the Christ who is all-loving and all-patient and mighty to save. He is utterly amazing and worth following with everything that you have. I believe in God the Holy Spirit who is teaching me more the more I listen and respond. I believe in God my Heavenly Mother who is my example. I sustain Russell M Nelson as a prophet, seer, and revelator. His words excite my soul. I believe that God works through everyday men and women to bring to pass his glorious purposes. I believe that when we seek (God), we shall find (Him), if (we) search for him with all our hearts (Jeremiah 29:13). In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Deliberate Budgeting

Two months ago I started a new job. New job = new income = new BUDGET! :D (yes, I really do get happy about things like budgeting.) I've been pretty stoked about my new budget, and some friends recommended I write a post about it. Voila!

Giving: I figure that if I make more money, I should be giving more money. So I did some thinking. I automatically give 10% of what I make to God. I decided to give an additional 1% to giving through my church (helping the needy locally, humanitarian efforts abroad, supporting missionaries, etc.) and 1% to giving outside my church. For that I chose 2 charities to support: The International Rescue Committee (which helps refugees) and Operation Underground Railroad (which rescues children from sex trafficking). And I made my own scholarship fund! I'm so excited. I found that if I save $20.83/month, I can give a $250 scholarship to a graduating senior from my old high school. I want give it to a first generation college student. I couldn't be more thrilled.

Monthly bills: This category didn't change much for me. I added renter's insurance (probably a good idea to have, and now that I actually have a positive income, I can afford $13.67/month!) and an Audible subscription. Soooo excited to listen to more books!

Everyday expenses: Also stayed about the same. I think that's important. I didn't want my standard of living to change much.

Rainy Day funds: After making a negative income during grad school I'm super excited to be more stable this way!!

  • Emergency fund: I calculated out how much money I need for 1-month of frugal living and multiplied that by 6 months. I will have that amount of money saved up by the end of 2017.
  • Gifts: I planned out how much I'll spend over a year for siblings/parents/niblings' b-days, mother's day and father's day, Christmas, and bridal/baby showers (only 5 of my friends can get married or have a baby, alright?!), and divided it by 12.
  • Car maintenance: (oil changes + annual registration + estimated repairs)/12 months
  • Health expenses: estimated co-pays, vitamins, etc.
Savings goals: I'm also super excited about this. It feels really good to know when I can afford what I want.
  • Travel: This is my most extravagant category. I'm budgeting to be able to take one international trip and one national trip each year. It's that important to me. 
  • Retirement: I am lucky enough that my work pays 14% of my salary into a 401k for me. Which is amazing. It's almost as much as what I should be contributing myself, so I'm pretty much off the hook, but I still invest $100/month into a Roth IRA through I used to invest with a personal financial advisor, but after reading I Will Teach You to be Rich, I decided to make the switch (financial advisor's costs: 0.75%. Betterment's automated service: 0.35%...which adds up to thousands of dollars by the time I retire.) 
  • Pay back Mom and Dad: I'll be out of debt to my parents by the end of 2016. Which is the last debt I have (happy dance!).
  • Next car: I'm pretty excited about this one. I've paid off my car loan in April, and I decided that I'm never going to go in debt for a car again. So I'm paying myself a car loan now, and I'll have enough to get a new car in 5 years (when my current car is 10 years old). The other day I took my car to the dealer for a service, and they tried to get me to upgrade. I was tempted for half a second, but this plan helped me stick to my guns. So far I'm keeping this money in Prosper is a peer-to-peer lending service like Lending Club. Basically I divide my money into different $25 chunks and invest that tiny bit into a lot of different loans. Prosper helps me vet the borrowers so I can allocate my risk appropriately. Let me tell you, it feels amazing to be lending money to people who earn twice as much money as I do. Wabaam!
  • House downpayment: Yep. I'm saving up for a house. The plan is to have 5% in 3 years. I have part of this in Betterment (25% stocks 75% bonds allocation) and part in Prosper. Maybe when it gets closer I'll keep some in the bank too. Oh, my bank is pretty cool. I did some research and found one that gives me 1.6%. Which is a heck of a lot better than the (I kid you not) 0.015% interest I was getting at my old credit union.
And that's it! I have like $11 unaccounted for with this current budget. I've thought about putting it to my future kids' tuition in a Betterment account. For now, I'm pretty happy with this plan. Do you keep a budget? What part are you most excited about?

Living Deliberately During the Hard Times

“The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.” ~Steve Furtick

Every time I hear about how social media use makes you sadder, because people only post their victories, I wonder if I'm part of the problem. But I don't want to post negative things and bring people down either. As this blog has been one long string of personal victories, I decided that as it comes to a close (maybe I'll do a second round of 99, but not right now), I'd be open about how I've tried to live deliberately while going through the hard times during these same 999 days.

When I started the 99 in 2014, I was in a serious funk. The man I still loved married someone else. My job was an endless source of frustration with zero fulfillment. I struggled in school for the first time. Like, meeting with the professor for an hour a week and getting 5 hours of outside tutoring each week and still not getting it. And I moved to a new place where everyone already had friends and didn't need any more. Life seemed pointless. Why was I going to school (and failing) to get a job I already had (and didn't want)?! I really wanted to quit and just be a bum in my parents' basement for the rest of my life. <-- This is not normal me. But that's where I was.

So how did I live deliberately during that time? I confided in a few select people. I humbled myself and went to therapy. And I lowered my expectations for myself. I realized I could not do what I normally could. I generally like to think that I should always be getting better and taking on more, but at that time I had to do and take on less. My new measuring stick for a successful day was no longer "read scriptures, worked out, ate healthy, did all the school stuff, was a good friend," but rather "got enough sleep." Yep. Got enough sleep. That's what success looked like.

Fast forward to 2015. I'm happy and capable again. I'm making plans and doing stuff (making plans and doing stuff is a pretty good indicator of my inner well-being). I have friends and can reach out to the people who don't have friends. And then I pretty rapidly find myself in the midst of the biggest faith crisis I've ever experienced. My faith seems at odds with my views on gender equality. My faith seems at odds with my political and social views. Then from one day to the next, it seems completely irrational to believe in God. I'm back to my 8 year old self, who concluded, while riding my bike in circles on the driveway, that there was no reason to believe in God, but it was better than oblivion (I was quite the existential kid). All of my spiritual experiences since then can't be trusted, because they're based on feelings, which are fickle and can be manufactured.

Faith crises are alarming. It feels like you have to decide immediately. You have to figure this out right now. But haste isn't exactly good for this process. So I slowed down. I decided not to make any changes to my church activity while I was figuring it out. I spent a LOT of time thinking and introspecting. I started studying the word of God morning and evening instead of just once a day, each time with the question "Is God real?" in mind. I never stopped talking to God, even when I thought it was irrational to believe in Him. I told Him I what I was thinking about. And when it got too heavy, I shelved it for a while. One cannot carry existential burdens around all the time. Sometimes you just gotta immerse yourself in the chores of life as an escape. I confided in a very few people (this felt super vulnerable to me), whom I knew had faced real doubts with faith. It was very important to me to talk to people who had chosen to keep the faith, as that's what I wanted to do. I counseled with my ecclesiastical leaders, and just kept swimming.

Later in 2015, I also graduated. Which launched me into a quarter (third?) life crisis. I had already tried the job that my schooling prepared me for...and I had hated it. I had a door open to me, but it felt like the easy way out. I took it, and wondered if I was a pansy. I interviewed for and got offered and took a job, and then the people rescinded the offer, leaving me feeling betrayed and lost again. And so on...quite a lot of employment drama. In the course of 10 days it looked like 1) I'd be in Provo for the next 3 years, then 2) I'd be moving out to CA soon or 3) I'd be living and working in Brazil. My parents learned to stop getting excited or nervous about each new thing that looked like it was gonna happen.

Living deliberately during that time looked like moving forward with things despite uncertainty. Introspection about my talents, experiences, and my self-knowledge of employment likes and dislikes (I'm still in this phase). Rolling with the punches. Getting advice from people I trust. But mostly a lot of just making choices.

And that's my life. It's not just a series of one adventure after another (even if that's all I post about). It's a lot of messiness. Interpersonal conflict. Internal conflict. Me + God conflict. Life decisions. Uncertainty. Fear. And the beauty in between the pain.

The End of the 999

My 999 days are up. I completed 48 of my 99 goals, with an additional couple that were partially completed. And you know what? I feel pretty good about that. Half is great! When I started I fully expected to not reach all 99. It was about the intent. And setting that intent made me reach farther than I would have otherwise. Also, when I wrote up my goals I had NO conception of how hard grad school is. Otherwise I would not have put so many academic life goals on there! Just graduating in this time frame is accomplishment enough. Holy Hannah.

Here are some ways that I changed because of doing the 99 in 999:

  • I budget effortlessly now. I actually found it a drag when I did my 3-month budget for my goal. But then I had this break through and now I find it really liberating! I can't imagine ever not budgeting.
  • I'm now a person that stays up on the news. I've had this ideal since high school. Now I actually do it! Podcast power.
  • I watch documentaries semi-frequently now.
  • I feel like an expert on what to do in Utah.
  • I practice yoga semi-regularly now
  • I can see myself continuing to scuba dive
  • I just finished my first belly dancing class (which I would've chickened out of had it not been for this blog), and totally loved it! I'll definitely be doing more.
  • Mindfulness has become a thing for me, ever since meditating at the monastery. 
  • aaaand I'm about to go to Brazil! I'll have that memory forever.
I think I'm more self-aware and more empowered than I was 999 days ago. A lot of that is from grad school, but some of it is from making the other goals happen. That's the thing about doing hard things--your sense of self-efficacy goes up. I can do hard things. I can make happen what I want to make happen. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Goal #53 Take a Middle Eastern dance class

In 2010, I had a friend who was a belly dancer. Previous to this, my only idea of belly dancing came from Aladdin.

It seemed like something scarlet women use to entice men. Belly dancing might as well be pole dancing which might as well be lap dancing.

But it's not! Alisha told me she belly danced (which surprised me) and told me how much she loved it (surprised again). Then she said the most intriguing thing--belly dancing is an escape from secular society. Whaaat? Turns out she had been writing a blog for a class, and chose belly dancing as her theme. I devoured each post. Her statements about belly dancing intrigued me. Things like:

  • Regardless of your size, race, life style, dance ability, or anything else that may matter in any other setting, people there accept you for you.  Belly dancing, for me, really in an escape from a secular society.  My dance class is  something I look forward to all week because it is 1-1 ½ hours of freedom.  Freedom from gossip, freedom from being judged, freedom from a society that doesn’t accept people how they are.  At dance I can be me, and that person is good enough just the way I am.
  • I call it empowering, because it gives the dancer so much knowledge about his or her own body.
  • Belly dancing teaches you to grasp your femininity and learn to appreciate not only your body, but your internal attributes as well.  It also allows you to express yourself in a way that is comfortable to you as an individual.  
  • Belly dancing is a type of dance that not only accepts, but encourages all females to participate.  It does not matter how tall or short you are, how big or thin you are, what race you are, nor what level of beauty a societal scale has given you.  ALL women are invited to participate, to learn, to enjoy this type of dance.
  • And, after telling her dance class about a remark from a boy about how belly dancing was a dance skinny girls do for men, she got this response " 'Boys, ugh, boys need to get over themselves.  Not everything we do is for them.  They think we put on make-up for them, and now they think we dance for them...ha.'  How can you not smile upon hearing such a response???"
Every since reading her blog, I've wanted to try it. Not because belly dancing itself intrigued me, but because of how Alisha talked about belly dancing and what it did for her.

It took me 6 years, but I've finally taken up belly dancing. And I am surprised to discover that I LOVE it! I can see myself doing this my whole life. The first class was incredibly awkward. I felt vulnerable and out of my element. I immediately started judging my body in comparison to all the other women there. The movements felt strange in my body (you have NO idea how many types of figure 8s you can do with your hips!). The only thing that kept me coming back for class 2 was that I had paid for it already. Class 2 felt a little less awkward, but not by much. 

Then something happened during class 3. Earlier in the class period, someone said something about how "you can't feel upset when you're doing a horizontal (figure 8)." And everyone agreed--you can't feel lonely when you're doing a horizontal, you can't feel angry, you can't feel anything but pure joy and contentment. And I thought about it, and it was true. I was extra happy and content while dancing. During the class period I realized that I had stopped judging my body and everyone else's. I felt the acceptance and the sisterhood that Alisha had talked about. At the end of class, a 60-year old Armenian woman (who is now my friend) told me, "This is where we come to love ourselves."

It's so true. It's only been a month, but already this is what belly dancing does for me:
  • It teaches me to love my body
  • It helps me "inhabit" my body rather than living in my mind 
  • It lets me express feminine energy, when so much of my daily life requires masculine energy
  • It gives me a community of women
  • It gets me interacting with women that are different from me in age, religion, culture (there are 3 Armenian women!), and experience
  • It makes me feel completely accepted, without doing anything to earn it
Plus the fact that it's scary and hard, and I'm doing it anyway! #VulnerabilityVictory

My dance will be a traditional basket dance from Armenia, similar to this one:

And you know what? You can all come to my performance. It's on April 8th. When I started, I didn't think I'd even let my roommates come, but I'm not ashamed anymore! I'm proud of myself.

My dollar for completing this goal went to in-kind donations to help refugees settling into Salt Lake City. To learn more about what type of in-kind donations the IRC is currently in need of, go here.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Goal #52 Get scuba certified

My Scuba Class!
Last night at the Homestead Crater, I dove down to 66 feet and got scuba certified. I am SO happy! Two out of the three dive nights before last night, I didn't do so well. I couldn't get my buoyancy right. My ears wouldn't equalize and felt like knives stabbing through my sinuses. My tank wanted me to barrel roll, etc. It was the worst. And I wondered why I had decided to take up such an expensive, unenjoyable hobby.

And then there was last night. :) Last night we had two scuba instructors with our class, and one stayed with me for the first dive and helped me figure everything out. I got weighted. I achieved neutral buoyancy. I equalized my ears. And I dove deeper than I'd ever dived before. In fact, I made it to the very bottom. The crater is actually a hot spring, and I went to the very bottom and put my hand where the steamy water gurgles out of the earth. SO COOL! As a geology geek, that was the coolest part.

Since I didn't have my camera out in the crater, here are some beautiful Google images to show you what it was like. ;)

First we assemble our BCD on the dock

Then we get in. We did a seated entry though.

We go down to the platform, 15 ft below
And then to the pvc rectangle, 35 ft below
And down to the bottom
and back up!
This video encapsulates my experience. You'll feel like you were there. Except you can breathe through your nose and you don't have to stress out about equalizing yours ears.

I don't know if I like scuba diving yet. Hopefully when there's pretty fish to see, I will. But I'm totally proud of myself for doing something that was hard for me. :)

My dollar for completing this goal goes to providing in kind donations (socks!) for refugees resettled into Salt Lake City, through the International Rescue Committee.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Goal #83 See a silent movie with an organ playing

Seeing a silent movie with an organ playing feels like going back in time! SO cool! The film was made with short screens that show text dialogue that give you enough context so fill in the blanks. The organ music provides the emotion. And the audience does some inferring from the visual. The overall effect is a more intense emotional experience than a normal film. Kind of like how you get more attached to characters while reading a book. I highly recommend it.

If you wanna go, it's the Edison Street Theater. They have this crazy purple glitter organ that's over 100 years old, called the Mighty Wurlitzer. They show 1 or 2 silent movies a month, and a ticket is $6. This brilliant musician plays through the whole film, without a score or looking up at the movie. 80% of the audience is over 50 years old, and the other 20% is 20-somethings on dates. Nobody in between. It's pretty fun. :)

My dollar for completing this goal goes to funding young innovators in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and South Africa.