Friday, January 29, 2016

Goal #52 Get scuba certified

My Scuba Class!
Last night at the Homestead Crater, I dove down to 66 feet and got scuba certified. I am SO happy! Two out of the three dive nights before last night, I didn't do so well. I couldn't get my buoyancy right. My ears wouldn't equalize and felt like knives stabbing through my sinuses. My tank wanted me to barrel roll, etc. It was the worst. And I wondered why I had decided to take up such an expensive, unenjoyable hobby.

And then there was last night. :) Last night we had two scuba instructors with our class, and one stayed with me for the first dive and helped me figure everything out. I got weighted. I achieved neutral buoyancy. I equalized my ears. And I dove deeper than I'd ever dived before. In fact, I made it to the very bottom. The crater is actually a hot spring, and I went to the very bottom and put my hand where the steamy water gurgles out of the earth. SO COOL! As a geology geek, that was the coolest part.

Since I didn't have my camera out in the crater, here are some beautiful Google images to show you what it was like. ;)

First we assemble our BCD on the dock

Then we get in. We did a seated entry though.

We go down to the platform, 15 ft below
And then to the pvc rectangle, 35 ft below
And down to the bottom
and back up!
This video encapsulates my experience. You'll feel like you were there. Except you can breathe through your nose and you don't have to stress out about equalizing yours ears.

I don't know if I like scuba diving yet. Hopefully when there's pretty fish to see, I will. But I'm totally proud of myself for doing something that was hard for me. :)

My dollar for completing this goal goes to providing in kind donations (socks!) for refugees resettled into Salt Lake City, through the International Rescue Committee.

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