Thursday, September 10, 2015

Goal #72 Try 100 new recipes (43-44/100): Swedish Meatballs

I went home for Labor Day weekend and my mom and I tried this new recipe! It was delicious. 5/5 stars.

We ate outside on our back porch, with crisp fall air and the sun setting in the west. It was pretty zen.

Goal #72 Try 100 new recipes (42): Speculoos Brownies

Last week some Jerusalem friends and I tried to watch Lawrence of Arabia. Again. We actually started the movie this time, which is a huge improvement! But then we got distracted but the wonder that is Speculoos Brownies! What are Speculoos Brownies, you might ask? It is the sweet goodness that occurs when you spread cookie butter over normal brownies! I wasn't sure if it counted as a "new recipe," but my friends assured me that it did. Plus I made it up. Boo yah.

So rich. So yummy. So 5 stars.

Goal #72 Try 100 new recipes (38-41)

Last time I cooked for dinner group I made FOUR new recipes! Beat that!

BBQ chicken 4/5 stars

broccoli salad 5/5 stars

Potato Salad 4.5/5 stars
8-15 red potatoes, halved
3 ribs celery
6-8 baby dill pickles, chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
4-6 eggs, boiled, peeled and chopped
light Mayo
yellow mustard
salt and pepper to taste

Boil potatoes until tender. (10-15 minuteS) White boiling, chop veggies. Let potatoes chill. Cut into bite size pieces. Toss with veggies and eggs. Slowly add mayo to get to consistency you want. Add about 2-3 squirts of mustard, and salt and pepper.

(not pictured) Peach cobbler 3/5 stars