Monday, January 25, 2016

Goal #83 See a silent movie with an organ playing

Seeing a silent movie with an organ playing feels like going back in time! SO cool! The film was made with short screens that show text dialogue that give you enough context so fill in the blanks. The organ music provides the emotion. And the audience does some inferring from the visual. The overall effect is a more intense emotional experience than a normal film. Kind of like how you get more attached to characters while reading a book. I highly recommend it.

If you wanna go, it's the Edison Street Theater. They have this crazy purple glitter organ that's over 100 years old, called the Mighty Wurlitzer. They show 1 or 2 silent movies a month, and a ticket is $6. This brilliant musician plays through the whole film, without a score or looking up at the movie. 80% of the audience is over 50 years old, and the other 20% is 20-somethings on dates. Nobody in between. It's pretty fun. :)

My dollar for completing this goal goes to funding young innovators in Sierra Leone, Kenya, and South Africa.

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